PTK Connect Subscription Agreement
Transfer Institutions
This agreement is between your college and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. This agreement specifies the terms and conditions of the subscription, including the information security requirements and responsibilities associated with third party access to shared data from Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society as outlined in this agreement.
Length of Access
This agreement is effective on for a period of 12 months from the date of the subscription initiation.
Phi Theta Kappa Responsibilities
Phi Theta Kappa will provide a PTK Connect Subscription to include the following:
Access to the PTK Connect Database to search, identify and connect with high-achieving prospective transfer students. This includes the ability to customize searches based on available student data and the ability to extract student contact data and other information useful for the business purposes of utilizing PTK Connect for student recruitment efforts (i.e. major, GPA, demographics).
Access to update and customize your college’s institutional profile to include, but not limited to, transfer-specific information and details of transfer scholarship awards for prospective students.
- Provide feedback to your college regarding transfer outcomes and your college’s transfer profile based on research best practices for transfer effectiveness.
- Consider your college for Phi Theta Kappa’s Transfer Honor Roll, the largest and most comprehensive program recognizing excellence and success in community college transfer pathway development among four-year colleges and universities.
- Provide technical support for the use of PTK Connect to users authorized by your college to access PTK Connect.
- Provide your college a secure and encrypted connection to PTK Connect for the access and download of PTK Connect student data.
- Obtain the appropriate release of information from Society members to become eligible for search and download from PTK Connect Database.
Your College’s Responsibilities
As a PTK Connect subscriber, your college agrees to be a data-trust partner by providing for the acceptable use and protection of data obtained from PTK Connect. Acceptable use and protection of student data includes the following:
- Use PTK Connect data for the business use of student recruitment only, and for no other purposes. The business use of student data obtained through the PTK Connect Subscription is defined as: 1) identify prospective transfer student recruits, 2) provide recruitment communications to prospective students (email, post mail, phone or text), 3) provide offers of scholarships and other transfer incentives to prospective students, 4) and confirmation of PTK membership.
- Provide the appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to secure proprietary data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and use.
- Use, storage and protection of student data in accordance with the institutional policies and procedures and guidelines of your college.
- Provide for the destruction of student data after the conclusion of its business use.
- Secure all use of PTK Connect accounts. Only authorized person(s) a to use PTK Connect the individuals in which an account has been assigned. Authorized PTK Connect users will not share their login credentials with anyone else.
- Report immediately the theft or loss of any PTK Connect student data or any unauthorized disclosure of account information to your PTK Connect account contact.
Your college’s use of PTK Connect data will adhere to Phi Theta Kappa’s nondiscrimination clause:
Phi Theta Kappa does not discriminate on the basis of gender, family or marital status, race, color, national origin, class, military or veteran status, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, genetic information or history, age, disability, political affiliation, cultural and religious backgrounds or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local law.
Upgrades and Cancellation
Subscriptions may be upgraded to an alternate subscription tier within sixty days of the original purchase.
Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty days written notice to Phi Theta Kappa. In the event of such a cancellation, payments are not refundable due to work, name downloads or services that have been satisfactorily performed.